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Get Your Wardrobe Ready for Fall

Fabric Care Tips

August 29, 2024

Preparing Your Wardrobe for the School Year

With the start of the school year just around the corner, it's the perfect time to refresh your wardrobe. Whether you're a student, teacher, or parent, wearing comfortable and well-cared-for clothing can help you feel confident and focused. To keep your new school clothes looking their best throughout the year, proper care is crucial.

Storing Summer Clothes

As summer ends, it's important to properly store your warm-weather clothes to ensure they stay in good condition. Begin by thoroughly cleaning each item, as unseen stains can worsen and attract pests over time. Delicate fabrics like silks and linens require extra attention; dry clean these items before packing them away. Avoid using plastic dry cleaning bags for storage, as they can trap moisture and cause mildew. Instead, opt for cardboard boxes stored in a dark, dry place with consistent temperatures to prevent color fading and maintain freshness.

Refreshing Your Fall Wardrobe

When it's time to bring out your fall attire, inspect your sweaters and coats for any signs of mustiness, fading, or small holes from insect damage. Even if your clothes seem fine, a professional cleaning can remove any embedded dirt and revitalized the fabrics, prolonging their life. As you prepare for the cooler months, don't forget to clean your scarves, rain gear, boots, and leather jackets. With a well-cared-for wardrobe, you can step into the new school year feeling fresh and ready to take on whatever comes your way.